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The Garðr Projects

Garðr - the secure way of adding external content

Follow @gardr_project to get the latest news about the project.

Adding external content to your site puts site owners in a position where they no longer are in control of wether their site is available or not.

View the presentation Garðr - at a glance for a quick intro

The Garðr projects aim to provide a safer way to add external content such as display advertisments to a site.

JavaScript Client library

To safely embed third party content we have created a small library for rendering external content inside an iframe to ensure that the host site always stays up. It also helps improve rendering performance by loading the external content asynchronus without effecting the host site.
Check out the sample project to see a quick demo of how to assemble Garðr for your site!

The library is actually two modules

  • Host - the script on the host page
  • Ext - the script whichruns inside the Iframe

Validator Web Application

The validator web application helps validate your content according to the rules you specify. Creators can validate their content to ensure it will render fast and without breaking the host site. It is designed to help the transition to HTML based rich media advertisements.

Try the the validator online rigth here!